Be a Source of Peace in Storms

John 14:27

New International Version (NIV)
27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.B)’> and do not be afraid.

At one point in my life, I thought I wanted to be a weatherman when I grew up. I’m glad I didn’t follow that path, but I am still fascinated by weather. 

Storm centers are areas of low pressure. Because the pressure in such centers is low, air tends to flow toward them. The lower the pressure the more intense the flow. This is the reason why hurricanes are so powerful. Their centers have very low pressure.

Did you ever notice that some people are like that. Their lives seem to be a perpetual storm and the lowness of their existence tends to suck everything and everyone around them into their storm. 

I guess that the natural tendency is to avoid such folks and thus avoid getting “sucked in.” But Jesus has another solution. In fact, I guess our ministry as Christians to to be sources of high pressure. One thing that will kill a storm, is a high pressure center. It pumps pressure into the storm area and evens out the pressure. 

It’s what Jesus did. He was so full of the Spirit that he not only wished peace to those He met, but He actually brought it. Our ministry is to bring the peace of Jesus to those whose lives are a perpetual storm. We are to bring the source of calming peace into their lives. Be high on Jesus and bring peace to those who are low.

Maybe I ended up being a weatherman after all.

Bring peace and be blessed.


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