Billy – Still keeping it simple

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. — Acts 4:12

Have you ever told an older person how you hope you have their energy and clarity of thought when you get to be their age? Have you ever really meant I wish I had those qualities NOW? That’s how I feel about Billy Graham. At his age he has written yet another book. In what could be his final book, Billy Graham presents in The Reason for My Hope: Salvation the core message that has guided his life and calling for more than 70 years.

Billy has never gotten “fancy” with his message. He is the most recognized Christian in the world and perhaps the most respected and his message is the basic message of the gospel. He hasn’t modified it to make it acceptable to a “modern” world. He hasn’t showcased it with flashy lights or a hip band. 

Here’s just a sample:

What is the ultimate victory of the cross? That it could not hold the Savior of the world, who triumphed over sin and death, winning salvation for mankind. The resurrection story of Jesus Christ is what gives meaning and power to the cross. What a failure Christianity would be if it could not carry our hopes beyond the coldness and depths of the grave. You see, the resurrection means the salvation of our souls.
What does the resurrection mean to you? Many have never thought about it. Some believe that Jesus died leaving a legacy of “Do good to your neighbor,” never believing that He was raised from the dead. Others think the resurrection was a hoax. There are those who question whether Jesus even existed.
True believers in Jesus Christ have no doubt that He lived among us, died for our sins, and after three days was resurrected to life, conquering the sting of death, offering the human race the greatest gift— His sacrificial love.

Billy: When I get to be your age I don’t hope that I have your clarity of thought or energy. I hope that I have gone home to enjoy all that Jesus promised and that my descendants are still following Him in basic faith and hope.

Be blessed.


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