
“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:2

I have reviewed and edited my blog posts beginning in the middle of 2008. It didn’t take me long to notice that I end nearly every one with “be blessed.” I’m not sure why I started doing that and after seeing it hundreds of times, I’m beginning to wonder if it’s right.

I love it when I’m checking out of a store and I’m told to “have a blessed day.” With that I know I’m in the presence of a believer. Some days I feel really alone as far as that goes and it’s a nice thing to hear. When I greet someone and ask how they are, it’s a good thing to hear that they  are “blessed.”

I want my postings to be a blessing. I’m sure some are; others not so much. After all can we really do anything to “be blessed?” The blessed state isn’t something that we control. It’s all in the hands of God. Aren’t we all, especially Christians, blessed?

Isn’t the thing under our control what we do with our blessing? Our blessed state is a foregone conclusion. We really are blessed. Some times we may feel more blessed than at other times. Some may feel more blessed than others. We are all blessed.

I sometimes wonder how a non-believer reacts to being told to “have a blessed day” or to learning someone else is “blessed?” Does he feel it as a put down? Is it a kind of “they are blessed and I’m not?” It’s just a thought.

Sadly, we are not always and at all times, a blessing. Blessed is our state; being a blessing should be our mission. It should be a natural outflow from our blessed state. It’s an essential part of our “make disciples” mission. It isn’t wrong to notice how blessed we are. It’s a good thing to acknowledge that before others. It’s best to pass it on to others.

Today I start a new tradition.

You are blessed so be a blessing.


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