Promote God From Co-Pilot to Pilot

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5.

Remember the “God is my Co-Pilot” bumper stickers?   After we realize that we are not God and that there is a good God who loves us and has our best interest at hearts, we can tend to treat Him like our co-pilot. We call on Him when we get lost or crash our plane. Like a loving parents, He will often bail us out. Sometimes, like a good parent, He will let us suffer the consequences of our mistakes. Eventually, He hopes we will choose to make Him pilot, not just co-pilot.

This is the COMMITMENT CHOICE. We must  consciously choose to commit all of our life and will to Jesus Christ’s care and control, or in some cases, we make a renewed commitment to let go of our lives and give them over to Christ’s care and control.

If we don’t, we will catch ourselves in a Cycle of Despair where we start feeling GUILTY about our behavior and the mess we have created; then we get ANGRY at ourselves for not being able to change; then the anger turns to the FEAR that things are never going to change; and, when we realize that our hurts, hangups and habits are controlling us, DEPRESSION sets in. This vicious cycle repeats over and over until we SURRENDER to OUR LORD JESUS.

“Our choices determine our circumstances and our decisions determine our destiny. The following five (5) things keep us from making this Commitment Choice to let go and let GOD!

  1. PRIDE: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5. It is really false pride that holds us back. When you understand that the Greek word for meek actually means “strength under control” and ready to do the Master’s Will, instead of being timid or afraid, it is a perfect word for this beatitude. We are being asked to lay down the false pride that inflates our egos, and submit to God’s will, and what he wants done in our lives.
  2. GUILT: We have a lot of shame for what we have done that makes us feel less than, unworthy. We may be afraid to ask God for help. God has forgiven us of all of our sins. Jesus died for us. God wants to help us be all we can be for Him and others. God’s great Grace and Mercy heals all the shame and unworthiness that we carry.
  3. FEAR: Surrendering our will and control! How does that feel? Are you afraid to trust God? Afraid of losing control? Afraid of becoming a religious fanatic/zealot? Remember the man who lived in the cemetery, among the tombs outside of Kersi [northeastern shore of the Sea of Galilee], and he was filled with a Legion of Demons? Jesus drove the demons out of him, and restored him to sanity. The people of Kersi did not recognize him. Jesus puts us in our right minds-soundness of mind. We have nothing to fear with God [except our rejection of Him]!
  4. WORRY: This causes us to confuse the decision-making phase with the problem solving phase. With God’s help, we become part of the solution. We let God guide us in taking the next right step.
  5.  DOUBT:   “Have you ever thought, I want to believe, but my faith is too small? If so, you need to know the story found in the Bible in Mark chapter 5, about a guy named Jairus.”   He needed Jesus to heal his daughter; however, when asked by Jesus “If you have faith, then she will be healed.” Jairus replied “Lord, I’ve got a lot of doubts. I want to believe; help me with my unbelief.” Jesus said that was good enough and healed the girl.   It is not the size of you faith, it is the who or what you put your faith in. Choose God, because nothing is impossible for God!

The Christian Life is a decision followed by a process.

Military Action is a good model. First, the military bombs and fires armillary at a beach head to soften it up. Second, the marines and soldiers would set up a beachhead.

Phase 1: Softening Up. Our hurts, habits and hangups are causing chaos in our lives. We are troubled, and we cannot go it alone. This struggles are softening us [bombarding us] to let go of control, to have hope and now to decide [to choose Jesus].

Phase 2: Establishing a Beachhead. Just getting a foothold, a little piece of the beach to operate from. Conversion is establishing our beachhead. Being reborn into Christ. This is wonderful, but it is the beginning of a life long process where we trust God will take care of our hurts, habits and hangups, and guide us to take the next right step

HE WON’T LET YOU GO: We are human, and sometimes we take back control. God is still by you with His unconditional love and freely given grace.


(1) Accept God’s Son as Your Savior;

(2) Accept God’s Word As Your Standard;

(3) Accept God’s Will as Your Purpose;

(4) Accept God’s Power As Your Strength.

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