Content with Seed Planting and Watering – Devotional for Saturday, March 5, 2011

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6 NIV

We want so much for those we love. We want them to have all that life offers. We want them to skip the painful lessons and to avoid the traps into which we fell. We want them to love and be loved…more than was in our life. We know that God gave us these loved ones and we feel responsible for the success of their lives. It’s frustrating.

We need to always remember our place. We can plant seeds and we can water; but only God can produce the miraculous growth we desire for them. We need to always remember that we were incapable of changing ourselves; we have no hope of changing others—only Jesus can change a heart.
So sometimes, beset with frustration in our inability to be agents of change, we fail to play the important part we have been given, planting and watering.
We can do these tasks and we can make a difference.
  • Direct them to Jesus. We can’t do this by simply saying “You need Jesus.” We do it by telling how we needed Jesus and how He made all the difference in our lives. We all have a story and, in many ways, it’s really all we have. We need to share it.
  • Be honest. We sometimes forget that people look up to us. Sometimes because we are honored and sometimes because we are just older. Sometimes we make it appear that anything good in our lives came about because of our superior effort and worth. We need to be honest. Anything good we have came from Him.
  • Hold them responsible for their own choices. When we see a loved one about to suffer the consequences of their bad choices we want to help. But diverting those consequences isn’t helpful; it’s harmful. Getting  burned when we stick our hand into fire, is how we learn about the harmful effects of fire. Loving discipleship includes allowing the natural consequences of actions to occur; then being present to comfort and love and redirect.

A good gardener knows he can’t make a flower grow; but he can learn the best soil to plant in, the best area for proper sun, the right amount of water. There is a noticeable difference between the garden of a good gardener and that of a not so good one. Planting and watering and trusting God will make a difference.

Work on your green thumb and 

Be Blessed.


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