
On Sunday I had the privilege of witnessing two of my great grand kids being dedicated to the Lord. It was great. Afterwards we had supper at a local restaurant. The second grader went to the rest room on her own about three times She doesn’t have  a bladder issue. When you get to be about 8 years old you start to exercise your independence at every opportunity. Kids that age should be able to ride their bikes around the block, go to the park, go to and from their school bus stop,  and go alone to public restrooms.

Many might think that we were great risk takers letting an eight year old go to a public rest room on her own. We were at BJs which is a family friendly sports bar. You don’t see any men dressing as women or thinking they are women at such a place. The sad thing is there are dangers even at a place like that. There are men who dress as men and women who dress as women who have evil in their hearts and pose a danger to little ones. In fact, until you are big enough and strong enough to defend yourself there is danger everywhere. Very few of us are completely safe.

I don’t think the answer is in legislation or public rest room rules. I think the parents of my great grand kids have the right idea. You place your kids in the arms of the Lord until they are old enough to take that step for themselves. You raise them to be independent, self-reliant and wise, and most importantly, children of the King. We don’t need kids who will grow up afraid or sheltered. You want kids who don’t trust strangers but who trust Jesus and their families. We need Jesus protected warriors in a world that’s out to steal their innocence and crush their independence.

There is no help to be found in politicians. We need to dedicate more of our children to God and tell more of the world about Jesus. We need heart restoration not rest room renovation.

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