Experiencing the Light

We are fond of saying that we have “seen the light.” I wonder how often that expression really comes with a true revelation. In fact, the experience of the light doesn’t begin with clarity of vision, but with blindness.

Consider Saul of Tarsus, who would become Paul. His encounter with Christ began with being knocked off his horse and experiencing a time of blindness. When a bright light suddenly comes on in a dark room, we shield our eyes. The experience is too much. We have to be accustomed to the light.

I believe there is a purpose in that sequence especially in spiritual matters. When we experience Christ, we need to be overwhelmed and blinded for just a bit. In order to see clearly for the rest of our days, we need to experience a time of blindness to all we knew before and become accustomed to seeing things in a new way. Christians, true followers of Christ, see the world completely differently from everyone else. We should be considered “different” by the world; because we should be different.

There is a current “christian” philosophy which teaches that we need to be more “acceptable” to the world. The basis for this theory is that the reason that Christianity is rejected is because it’s not palatable to the modern taste. If we try to change light so that it’s easier to accept, it isn’t light any more. The shock which comes with an encounter with the real Christ is necessary. Jesus is radically different and following him doesn’t involve a minor course correction, it requires a 180 degree turn.

The next time someone says, or you think, “I’ve seen the light” apply this test: if you think you can see better that wasn’t the light you saw, it was something less and less than the true light isn’t worth following.

When we become blind to the ways of the world, we become real reflections of true light in it.

Shine and be blessed.


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