Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

every weakness

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

There has been much written about the “wonderfully made” part of this verse. The human is certainly a “wonderful” creation. From microscopic cells to complex connected systems, we are miracles of God’s hand.

But what is “fearfully made” all about? As wonderfully we are created, we are not created perfectly. Our bodies have a limited life. They are subject to deterioration and disease. Each person has flaws. We have skin imperfections, character flaws, and emotional traps. We are spiritual imperfect and incomplete as well.

It seems our perfect Creator chose to make us with imperfections, built-in weaknesses. Why?

I believe we are created to be in relationship with God. Our relationship with Him completes us. Every weakness is an opportunity for God to show His strength in our lives.  It’s a favorite ploy of interviewers to ask about weaknesses. These questions tend to trip us up. We are not used to considering our weaknesses to be positive things.

If the power of God is made perfect in our weaknesses, should we not focus on these weaknesses? Should we not glory in our weaknesses and look with hope on the opportunities they present to show God’s power?

It’s no accident that Jesus often greeted His disciples with “Fear not.” Those who are “fearfully” made need fear no longer. The one who  completes us, to show His power in our weaknesses has arrived. It’s now possible for us to be complete, to be perfected.

Isn’t that wonderful?

Be blessed.

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