Fellowship – The Power to Put God First

On Sunday, my pastor did a good job of explaining the Power of Fellowship.  God’s desire for humanity is that we be Saved and Sanctified. In other words, that we come to know Him and to be more like Him. 



That second thing,  the sanctification, is a process of being set apart. His goal for us is that we make a difference. It’s hard to make a difference if we are not different.


He accomplishes this “difference,” through the work of the Holy Spirit who spurs us through fellowship with His Word, His Presence, and His People. 



Fellowship is life-changing. We are changed by what surrounds us, our environment. Our moms were wise to be concerned about where we were and who we were hanging around with.

Our sanctification, our change occurs, when we surround ourselves with the Word of God, the Presence of God and the People of God. We are creatures of mind, spirit and body. The Word of God impacts our minds and our thinking, the Presence of God communes with our spirits and the people of God hang around our natural fleshy selves. We are balanced in our transformation into Christ Likeness when we practice all these forms of fellowship. 

We see imbalance in the “People” of God in those who saturate themselves in the word, but spend no time in His Presence or with His people. They are the intellectual followers.

Those who focus on His Presence. We call mystics. They are spiritual but have no theology or practical ministry with the rest of us who live in the world.

We know the social gospel types. They spend lots of time with other followers but their spirits and intellects are weak from a lack of time in His Word and Presence. 

The early church practiced the balance of tri-fold fellowship. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (The Word) and to fellowship (His People), to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (His Presence” Acts 2:42 NIV

Let’s practice balanced Fellowship. Hope to see you at Mel’s Diner tomorrow morning, March 10 at 7 as we plan out our God First Friday Breakfast. 

Be balanced and blessed.

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