Fueling Faith, Fighting Fear, Framing Feelings

Success in the Christian walk is dependent on fueling our faith, fighting fear and framing our feelings. The problem is that we get it all mixed up. We fuel our fear, frame our faith and fight our feelings. Some days we frame our fear, fight our faith and fuel our feelings. Well, you get the picture. It’s a good thing to remind ourselves what we should be doing.

Fueling our faith.  I don’t see how anyone makes it without faith. Many try. All fail. It doesn’t take a bunch of faith to make it. If we will just fuel faith, really great things can happen. You fuel faith like you fuel a fire. You feed it. You throw everything into it. Troubles? Into the fire of faith. Doubts? Toss them in. Challenges? Just make the fire bigger.

Faith is about recognizing what’s really true. God is true. His provision is real. His love is truly alive.

Fighting our fear.  We all fear. We don’t all admit it but we do. Jesus told us not to. Fear not. Fight it. Recognize it as soon as it show up. Identify it for what it is and turn from it.

Just as faith is truth. Fear is false. Lies. All lies. Satan can take the smallest doubt, the tiniest insecurity, the smallest fault and build and build and build. Fear is a kernel of truth and a mountain of lie.

The problem with fear is that the lie can seem so real. He who is in the world has the advantage. What we see and touch every day SEEMS so real. Sure there is a touch of reality in the material world, but there is a mountain of lie. The spiritual is what is truly and permanently real. Just because it’s harder to grasp doesn’t make it any less real.  The antidote is fear is the permanence and truth of spiritual reality.

Framing Feelings. What makes fighting the faith/fear battle so tough are these feelings. We all have them. Truth and lies are not proved by our feelings. Just because we “feel” unloved doesn’t mean we are. Just because we feel worthless, doesn’t mean we are. Just because we feel all mighty, doesn’t mean we are.

We have to learn to recognize that feelings are real. We need to “own” them and frame them into a proper perspective. They are what they are: feelings. They don’t represent truth or lies. They are just feelings.

Let’s fuel the faith, fight the fear and frame the feelings. We can, with His help.


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