Get Moving 1

Abide in Me . . . —John 15:4

To “abide” means to continue to remain firm to endure. A weekend like I just lived through helps me to abide in Christ. It renews my enthusiasm for the life I have in Him. It makes me  want to continue the walk leading to perfect harmony with my Lord.

God will not make me think like Jesus— I have to do it myself.

Our Lord’s inner abiding was pure and unblemished. He was at home with God wherever His body was. He never chose His own circumstances, but was meek, submitting to His Father’s plans and directions for Him. Just think of how amazingly relaxed our Lord’s life was! But we tend to keep God at a fever pitch in our lives. We have none of the serenity of the life which is “hidden with Christ in God” ( Colossians 3:3  ).
Think of the things that take you out of the position of abiding in Christ. You say, “Yes, Lord, just a minute— I still have this to do. Yes, I will abide as soon as this is finished, or as soon as this week is over. It will be all right, Lord. I will abide then.” Get moving— begin to abide now. In the initial stages it will be a continual effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become so much a part of your life that you will abide in Him without any conscious effort. Make the determination to abide in Jesus wherever you are now or wherever you may be placed in the future.

Coming down from the Kairos mountain top is a great time to commit to get moving, to determine to abide in Him now and forever more..

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