Hating Religion, but Loving Jesus

This video has gone viral. As of yesterday it has 18,765,830 hits. Not everyone loves it. It has 309,971 likes and 47,389 dislikes.  I decided it was time to check it out.

I don’t disagree with a word of it. In fact, you can find the lyrics here. I’m not a fan of rap and I think this “white rap” is just silly. But it’s hard to argue with the words. Jesus didn’t come to establish a religion. Religion has started wars. Religion doesn’t equal Christianity.  I’m reminded of Keith Green a Christian radical from years ago who once said, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to MacDonald’s makes you a hamburger.”

So why has this video become so popular and why so controversial? I think it shows the dissatisfaction of much of this generation with religion and with what passes for the church. So for those who have turned away from “church” it provides a justification. For those of us who live in “church” it provides some discomfort.

Now clearly many in the church are really Christian and churches do great works. But too many identify their salvation with their church. They love their church above their Lord. Church folks may have an undeserved reputation as “haters” but the reputation still exists. Too many in church say they hate the sin but love the sinner; yet they still have their favorite sins to hate and ignore the sinfulness of their own “failings.”  Jesus hates all sin and calls all sinners to repentance.  Those of us with secret sins may feel more comfortable railing against those with public sins; but sin is sin.

Another controversy in the video is that early on it points out that Republican doesn’t equal Christian. That’s a hard message for many. Get over it. Lots of Christians voted for Obama and will vote for him again.  You can’t identify a Christian by his politics.

Lots of folks have a vested interest in “Church.” Many make their livings from religion and the whole of their “Christianity” is tied up in a church.  This video call us all to be personal about our salvation and recognize that church should be a place where Christians join together to do God’s work and not to be sealed from the world. It should be a sanctuary and hospital for the hurt, but a boot camp for the redeemed.  This video didn’t make me want to leave the church; but it did call me to re-examine my church.

So watch the video. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, ask yourself why. If you don’t like the musical style, I’m with you on that. But if something in the message challenges something more basic in your walk, maybe you need to pray about it. Of even better, maybe you need to do something about it.  Or maybe just watch the video again.

Be blessed.


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