Key of Divine Access


Through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand. —ROMANS 5: 2

The second great treasure of grace is access to God. David Jeremiah refers to access to His grace, but goes on to say:  “The word access is only used three times in the New Testament, and it always refers to the believer’s access to God through Jesus Christ.” Jeremiah, David (2006-03-07). Captured by Grace: No One Is Beyond the Reach of a Loving God (p. 86). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

This treasure is so glorious is that it is revealed to us in stages. We can only take it a bit at a time. It is the basis for our sanctification. It’s more personal that a long distance access to a God in heaven. It’s access to a God who lives in us and us in Him. It’s a presence that assures that we never need to be alone, afraid or powerless. Being in the glorious presence of God changes us. His presence, through the indwelling Holy Spirit is constant. Our awareness of it is shifting. He defers to our free will and allows us to shut out even his mighty presence. By why would we? To be with Him, to relate to Him is the very reason we were created.

As I lay in my bed in the hours before dawn, thinking how I could relate this treasure to you,  the sense of His presence overwhelmed me. I could feel Him touch my shoulder. He wants us to know He is present and to respond to Him. His desire for us is powerful and beyond our understanding. Why would the God of the universe seek and want relationship with us and suffer and die for the  privilege? It is the recognition of so powerful a love that changes us and charges us up to do all that we can for him, fully aware that our actions will never justify or repay what He has done for us.

Block out, if just for a moment, the distraction that is our earthly existence and bask in His life-changing presence.

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