Labor Day is Over – Get Back to Work – Devotional for Thursday, September 8, 2011

Now that Labor Day is over, it might be appropriate to turn our thoughts to…work. I really have things pretty easy. I work for a living  but most folks don’t seem to know it. I hide it well. I’m embarrassed by the frequency of the “How’s retirement?” comments I get. Some people are such smarty pants. But I can see the reason for their confusion. I don’t go to “work” each day. If I’m not in court I can dress pretty casual. I don’t have a boss, unless you count clients. I “work” out of my house. I do work. Just ask the IRS. So maybe you should take my labor thoughts with a grain of salt, but here they are.

1. Work is God’s idea. He did it for seven days and look what he accomplished. What have you done this week?

2. Retirement is not scriptural.  By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground (Gen. 3:19). If this idea catches on, I think I may have just solved the Social Security crisis. Who says I don’t work????

3. You haven’t been a good person but work is not punishment for that. Punishment for being bad is the subject for another day. Aren’t you glad?

4. We work to live, but also because work should be satisfying and it serves God if done right.

5. Don’t complain about your boss… His name is Jesus. It’s not wise to complain about God.

6. The standard to apply to your work is “Does it please God?” It doesn’t matter if it pleases you or anyone else. So get over it.

7. Rose and I watched “Becoming Jane” last night It’s the story of Jane Austen. In her day, proper people didn’t work. That was for the lower classes. The proper people were wrong. Work is honorable. Besides this isn’t England.

8. I know you are planning to be a missionary to China when you retire (see number 2 above). Forget it. Your work is your chance to be a witness. How’s that working out for you?

I’m going to wrap this up. It’s been a long day staying home from work.

Aren’t you glad Labor Day is over?

Be blessed.


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