No Condemnation


Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. Romans 14:13

It seems to me that there is way too much judging going on. The most recognizable trait in Christians is “judgmentalism.” That’s just not right. We are supposed to be recognized by the love we show.

I understand the concern that sin should not be ignored. It just seems to me that instead of screaming, “You’re a sinner.” or focusing on certain sins. We need to remind folks that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

We need to stop promoting the idea that as Christians we are sinless instead of forgiven. One of our problems is that it is not acceptable in church to admit struggles with sin. Wouldn’t we serve each other much more if we admitted our struggles and shared suggestions about how to overcome them?

Worst of all, we need to stop criticizing other churches. We all like to think we have all, or at least most, of the truth. But the truth is that we don’t. We are just not familiar enough with the practices of other Christians to criticize. There are a lot fewer things that are “essential” than we are willing to admit.

A garden is beautiful because of the variety of color and form. God has chosen to permit a variety of expressions of worship. As long as Jesus is proclaimed as Lord, and lives are changed through the miracle of grace, we should celebrate variety and our differences.

Some of the scariest words our Lord spoke are these: “”If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.” Mark 9:42. Make sure you are making straight the path to Jesus and not putting blocks in the way of any one’s salvation.


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