
We have the balm to soothe the hurting hearts we come in contact with every day. But if excuses crowd our minds before passion fills our hearts, people will never hear. Thankfully, we can rediscover the passion of our early Christian days. Take time today to praise God for His salvation, which delivered you from a path toward disaster. Then commit to carrying out your part in the Great Commission by talking about Jesus with someone in your life. Charles Stanley.

I saw a lot of passion at my church on Sunday.  It’s great to be passionate about something. It’s why we love sports. It’s why it’s more fun to watch a game when “our team” is playing. It’s why elections and honeymoons are exciting. 

Satan fears our passion. Passion dictates action. We are passionate because we care. He seems to have two strategies when it comes to passion: 1: Cool it if he can. 2: Misdirect it if he must.

Jesus wasn’t fond of the lukewarm. If Satan can get us to believe, that what we believe is not that important. He has won the battle. Don’t let that happen. Be passionate.

Don’t have misdirected passion. Make sure what you are passionate about is important.  Charles Stanley’s words which I came upon this morning encouraged me. The most important day in the life of a Christian is the day his path was changed. We should be passionate about salvation, about seeing paths changed, about being part of the change. 

Having passion isn’t easy. It’s no accident that the last hours of Christ’s life are called his “passion.” He cared so much that He bled and died. If you don’t care, you can’t get hurt. To be passionless is to be safe. It’s also to be dead. Care enough to be passionate and to endure the pain along with the bliss.

I was lost but now I’m found. I was blind but now I see. Now that’s something worth being passionate about.

Be passionate and be blessed.


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