Peace in His Presence

“Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.” (Sheila Walsh) Every time Jesus stepped into a scene he either instructed his disciples not to fear or to have peace. He didn’t change their circumstances but brought peace by His presence. Injecting peace into every situation is a sign of a truly great leader.

During World War II, Roosevelt and Churchill led the free world less by their problem solving but by their dispelling fear and bringing peace. As Roosevelt famously quipped, “all we have to fear is fear itself.”

Modern times present just as many, if no more, fear invoking circumstances as at any other time in history. Even as medical science advances, it seems we have greater challenges in illness. As our standards of living increase, our fear of economic collapse multiply. As we develop more powerful weapons for peace, our fear that they will be used for war expand. The circumstances seem overwhelming, but Jesus is as capable of bringing peace in the midst of it all as ever before.

Our mission is not to solve the problems or to correct the circumstances, but to introduce the Peacemaker into the equation. As the end draw near, the circumstances will spiral out of control. Our reaction has to be to hold tighter to the one who promises an end to fear and a life of peace.

Spread Jesus. Spread Peace. Vanquish Fear and

Be blessed.


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