Refreshing Relationships

My daughter broke her ankle a few weeks ago and can’t put any weight on it for a while. She can’t stay alone so she has been alternating weeks with Rose and I and with a friend. It’s been a bit of a hassle for everyone because she is used to living alone and we are not use to having a week long guest.

But it’s also been a blessing. She and I both work from the house so we spend hours together in the same room doing our work. We have both picked up interest in each other’s TV viewing habits. I have learned more about her life and work and loves. Our relationship has been great (at least since the teenage hormones wore off); but in the last few weeks it has been “refreshed.” We are both probably pretty relieved when our week is over and a break is coming. But I also know when this period of alternating weeks is over I will miss her greatly.

I have “refreshed” my memory at how cool, funny and lovely she is and how much she relies on Jesus.

She is leaving for a week today and my wife and I are going to “refresh” our relationship with a three night visit to New Orleans to celebrate our anniversary. This refreshing thing is pretty cool.

When stressful situations come into our lives we have a variety of reactions. Many of them negative. Perhaps we should learn in such situations to identify our key positive relationships and “refresh” them. When troubled waters come, and they will, we tend to focus on the trouble and forget the great things and the great people we have in our lives.

I know that some tough times are ahead and I am already focusing on some relationships that need some “refreshing.” I start with the Lord and consider some of his people who have been encouragers and positive influences in my life. A warning. In trouble times, we may learn that some relationships don’t need to be “refreshed.” They need to be terminated. We all hate the idea of losing people in our lives or  “failing” at relationships. But not all relationships are positive, not all draw us to Jesus, not all lift us up, and bless our hearts. Some do the opposite and life is too short to waste time on those and to not really enjoy the ones that bless.

Focus on and Refresh the good ones and be blessed.


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