Strong Passionate Finish

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. 2 Timothy 4:7

Last night I got to see and hear Tim Tebow. As a Gator fan, he is one of my heroes. As a Christian, he is one of my heroes. His humble, sincere love for people and Jesus comes through in person. It was inspiring to listen to him. The crowd was pretty young and he was well received. His message also affected me as an older guy.

He talked about growing up with parents who taught him to follow his passion. In life, we too often become satisfied with what works and let our passions fall by the way side. If we find a job that pays the bills, that’s a good thing. Setting aside what really moves and motivates us is sad.

I have a passion that I haven’t really pursued. I am never happier or feel more in the will of God than when I teach or preach. I get to do so occasionally, but not enough. Tim motivated me to seek more opportunities to pursue this passion. I am committed to do so.

Tim also talked about learning from his NCAA Championship season. His coach at Florida, Urban Myers, set forth a standard for his team to “Finish Strong.” Tim learned much from that season. Last night he expressed his real desire to come to the end of his life and hear his savior tell him that he finished strong.

It’s easy in life to get to a point that we feel that we have “made it” and decide to coast the rest of the way. It’s easy not to work to the end, to not compete until it’s over, to fade at the end. Last night I got a renewed inspiration to push harder and longer to finish the race.

Today I pray for and will pursue a strong, passionate finish.

Be blessed.

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