
The elements of Discipleship are Touch, TIme and Truth. Although may treat touch as a limited commodity that we dole out miserly, time really is limited. We are each given but 24 hours in a day and those are eaten up pretty quickly. Sleeping, eating, taking care of personal needs, work, care for children all eat into those 24 hours. The time we have for ministering, discipleship is limited.

But it’s not as limited as we think. Try recording your use of time for a day, or even better, a week. You will be surprised how much time we waste. And if we are recording our time, we are less likely to be wasteful as we are on a non-monitored day.

Our allocation of time is a function of our value system. We do what we consider important. We need to sleep and eat so we spend time on these activities. We owe so off to work we go. If we cherish family, we find time to spend with them. But much of our time we flit away staring at a tv screen or computer screen watching meaningless programs or playing mind-numbing video games. It is frightful to consider that we will be called to account for each wasted moment.

Most of us recognize the value of time and are very appreciative when some splurges some time on us. One of the most common comments at a Kairos is an expression of gratitude at the willingness of the volunteers to give up a long weekend for those who consider themselves forgotten. If they only knew how much time is also spent in preparation and training.

So when we invest time in another, we gain credibility credits. If we have spent time with someone, they are all the more willing to listen to any truth we might dare to share. They are more open to any touch we may offer.

Where are you investing your time? I am always embarrassed when I consider how much time I waste. I have much more time to spare than I am willing to admit. I bet you do as well.

Invest some time and be blessed.



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