What’s So Good about Friday?

As a young Catholic altar boy, I enjoyed all the services of Holy Week. I even was touched by the solemn ceremonies on Friday. The long reading of the Passion. The stripping of the altar. I never really bought the explanation that Friday was “Good” for us because what was “bad” for Him was “Good” for us.

I believe it is crucial to a full experience of Easter to fully understand Friday. We need to personalize Easter week. It’s not just the enormity of the world’s sin for which He died. We need to embrace the depth of our personal depravity. We need to know that although He died for all; our sin is enough to demand the sacrifice.

We have marginalized Good Friday. It this area now it is most know for the fact that more crawfish is bought and consumed that day than any other during the year. Unless you are allergic to the mud bugs, that’s not much sacrifice.

We have to live through Friday in a personal way if Sunday is to have any real meaning. We have to know the cost if we are to appreciate the value of the gift. Although it’s a beautiful day, spend some time in silent contemplation of all you have done. Read the Passion or even better watch the movie if you can. Try to gain some small understanding of the suffering so, with Christ, you can experience the glory of the rising.

It’s a Good Friday. Be blessed.



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