1 John 2:5-6
New King James Version (NKJV)
5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. 6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
When we focus on what Jesus said we tend to drift into theological discussions that can distort his message. We would often do better to focus on what. he did. If we live like Jesus did, we can know we are like Him. 
Those who preach a prosperity gospel should consider that Jesus didn’t seem to own anything and even noted that He had no place to lay his head.

Those who urge political correctness, being nice, and not offending; would do well to consider Jesus’ anger at the Pharisees, and his physical violence when offended by the money changers.
Those who just hang around with Christians and go no where but church, would do well to consider where Jesus went and with whom he talked and ate.
Those who believe that the bigger a church’s building the more efficient the ministry, might consider Jesus preached on hillsides and in boats.
Those who moan and struggle over how to get people into church; must have forgotten that Jesus went where the people were, long before crowds came to Him.
Those who spend so much time concerned about the visible sins and the agendas of certain sinners, might want to recall His focus on the heart and what’s inside and repentance over condemnation. His actions always demonstrated love over all.
Those who love sitting up front and dressing up for service might remember Jesus on His knees with a towel and a bowl of water and a row of dirty smelly feet.
We judge friends and family and politicians more by what they do than by what they say. Is that a lesson?
There is usually a quicker answer to the issues of life in asking “What would Jesus do?” than in trying to recall, “What did Jesus say.”
His words are important and immortal. His actions saved. Our words are hollow by our actions people will know we are His and want to join in.
Act and be blessed.
Be blessed,

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