Election 2016 – For Children

I recently read an article giving advice on how to deal with this election with your children. It’s a great article. Then it dawned on me that most of us are being child like in our treatment of the election.

The candidates are acting like children. I guess we shouldn’t expect to be any better. I am angry about the choice we have for President in November. I’m a Republican and my party rejected men with high moral standards and went with an egotistical, no class reality star. My Democratic friends couldn’t find anyone better than Hillary, who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her and who believes that a child has no rights and can be murdered until the moment of birth and that I should have to pay for it.  I realize that those are my issues and don’t project then on everyone else. It’s my anger and that’s what it’s based on.

Maybe I need a perspective reset. Maybe we all do.

1. Fear Not.

Most voters aren’t thrilled about their candidate, they are “afraid” of what will happen if the other candidate wins.

I’m okay with having no faith in the government, but the government isn’t really in charge. God is and complete faith in Him. Here is the hard truth: This election is of no eternal significance.  Further, no matter who wins, the world will continue to deteriorate. Have you read the book?

It’s sad that fear is driving this election, especially to Christians, who should know to fear not.

2. Focus on the issues.

Most folks, if they are honest,  can tell you the character failings of both candidates. One of which is not honesty. Fewer can tell what the real issues are. Try to explain to a child why you are voting for a particular candidate without pointing to character faults of the opponent.  You might want to practice before you try that for real. It’s harder than you think.

3. Major in the majors.

What is really important to you? Do you care more about sinners becoming followers of Christ or who will win this election? Be honest. As a measure, compare the time you have spent talking about, worrying about, and watching programs about the election against the time you have spent sharing Jesus. If you are like me, that analysis is sobering.

Maybe it’s time for us all to grow up.


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