Facing Friday

It’s time to square up to the cross of Christ, to all that happened on this Good Friday and take responsibility. It’s time to drop all the universalist language and stop saying “He died for the sins of the world.” Just admit it. He died for me. If I had been the only person in the world, not only would he have died, but His death would have been just as horrible, painful, humiliating, and gruesome.

It’s all about how bad sin is. I’m not talking sin in the generic. I’m talking about personal sin, mine and yours. When I first met my wonderful fundamentalist wife, she kept talking about a personal savior. It took me a long time to get it. It’s all about Jesus and me. It’s about me and Jesus. It’s about my sin, my salvation, my savior.

Failure to Face Friday is the reason for anemic churches and powerless Christians. We want to claim the blood without really looking at it. We want resurrection power, by skipping to Sunday. It won’t work we have to face Friday.

Today, enjoy your crawfish boils, and fish fries. Enjoy your time away from work. Enjoy the beautiful spring weather and shopping for something to wear on Sunday. Spend some time, however, with me, at the foot of the cross. Looking and accepting responsibility. It’s the only route to being a true Follower with all the mission and power and joy He promised. Sunday will come soon enough. Today, it’s Friday. Face it.

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