The Focus of Anguish – Devotional for Monday, August 1, 2011

This week our Pastor presented the above video from David Wilkerson “A Call to Anguish.” If you don’t see a video above you can catch it here. It’s a great video with a great message. In fact, I believe it deserves some further comment. Pastor Wilkerson distinguishes “anguish” from mere “concern.” True anguish is a gift from the Holy Spirit. It call us to action. For the Christian, the first real anguish is self-centered. It is anguish over our spiritual state. It is that deep abiding concern about our own spiritual state. It’s purpose is to lead to true repentance and to Christ. Christ inside should quench that anguish. It is not spiritual to continue to wallow in anguish once we have truly turned our lives over to Him. Folks who live a life-time in such a condition have either never really committed to Christ or have fallen victim to Satanic lies. The focus of anguish after salvation turns outward. It focuses us on our God-called mission. 
Christians have much to be concerned about: the lost, the state of our country and world, the impoverished, widows, those in prison, the persecuted church throughout the world. Such concern should lead us to prayer. But Christ calls each of us to more… to action and that’s the purpose of anguish. Anguish over a particular concern of the Lord’s should lead us to ministry in that area. I’ll use my own experience as an example. As a young Christian I had no particular concern over prisoners. I resisted invitations to such ministry for years. But after I got my first taste I was overwhelmed with an anguish for the plight of prisoners particularly those at Angola. That anguish has lead to years of ministry and to joy. Once we act on our Holy Spirit inspired anguish; He replaces it with joy. The motivation continues; but it now powered more by the joy than the anguish. 
A couple of important points. My anguish may not be your anguish. That’s fine. In fact, it’s all part of the plan. I am concerned about pregnant teens, abortion, nursing home patients, and a lot more; but they are not the focus of my ministry. I don’t have anguish. You may.
Some folks seem to never get past a generalized “concern” maybe even “anguish.” But it never leads to action so it is never replaced by joy. That’s not God’s plans. We need a push into ministry where after the joy sustains us. Just sitting on the sidelines accomplishes nothing. God-given anguish will be specific enough that it calls us to specific action.
Some have no “anguish.” To those I suggest, re-examine your spiritual state. Have you come to the joy of salvation having passed through the anguish that leads to repentance or did you just “come forward” once upon a time at a serice.  God’s first concern is that you be His. He won’t move you on to ministry until you are. If you feel confident about your own spiritual state, ask yourself if you are resisting ministry anguish. If you find yourself with feelings of despair and saying “One person can’t do everything.” You are resisting. No one person is called to do it all. We are all called to do something.
Are you in anguish? Isn’t it time to move on to Joy? Follow the Spirit’s lead. He leads you through anguish to great joy. We are not called to a life of anguish; we are called to a life of joyful service.

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