Truths You Can Take to the Bank

My pastor was on vacation last Sunday. So he had two weeks to prepare for this Sunday’s sermon. It was so good that I have to steal from it. As the political season heats up it’s easy to conclude that no one is trustworthy. Don’t fall for that. Our God is trustworthy and we desperately need to be able to rely on His truths.

You are forgiven. We all  need to dump the baggage we carry around. You know what I mean. It’s the guilt for all that we have done wrong. God forgives as long as we are willing to forgive others. God places this condition on forgiveness because not only do we need to be relieved of guilt, we need release from the burden of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness fills us with bitterness and steals our focus from all the good we have been given and should be sharing with others. 

God will provide. Give us this day our daily bread. If we could really mean the prayer we all know, if we could limit our concerns and worries to 24 hour blocks, how joyful would our lives be. Just as His forgiveness lifts the burdens from our past; his promise of provision lifts our worry for the future. 

The season will pass. Seasons change. It seems God created four seasons as a reminder to us that no matter what storms we are living through, they will pass. Each season is a necessary preparation for the season that follows. Everything we go through is preparation for everything He would have us be and do. 

God is just.  It often seems there is no justice in the world. Usually because there isn’t. God however is just and we shouldn’t judge the fairness of things until eternity is played out. God’s justice is perfect even if it seems to use painfully slow and untimely.

Your labor is not in vain. We seldom see any harvest from our sowing. Labor performed in His will is always fruitful. We simply are not always there to pick that fruit. 

Every promised land is inhabited by giants. The big bad guys inhabit the best land. They do so by virtue of their strength. None however is stronger and more powerful than our God. Expect to see and encounter the giants when we go where God leads. Also expect Him to take care of them. 

Thanks Pastor Jason for these encouraging reminders of truths we can rely on in a world that seems sometimes to be packed with lies.

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