2019 – A Different Year?

I’m in my 69th year and every one has been different. No reason to believe that 2019 won’t follow that pattern. I hope some of 2018 sticks around. Last year, I returned to my 6-day-a-week swimming habit and that,  combined with healthier eating, reaped a reward of lower weight, higher energy and better attitude. 

I’m starting 2019 with some changes. At 2 o’clock this morning I began my Chronological read of the Bible. My pastor is doing it and I am going to follow along. I can’t imagine that daily Bible reading won’t be great. 

I want to blog each day. I hear some of you moaning, but I don’t do it for you. I find that blogging helps motivate and organize my day. It starts me off putting the Kingdom first. Call me on it if I fall short.

My big “resolution” however is to be more grateful. I saw “The Key to Unhappiness” a great Prager U video tying gratefulness to happiness. As to the “how-to” on that, Nanette Cook, my councilperson, wrote a very practical helpful article in Active Acadiana. (I know I feel your shock at learning I would read something called Active.) Teaching Gratitude at Christmas Time has application for all times, for example:

  1. Engage in random acts of kindness. Doing for others makes us grateful for what God has done for us.
  2. Spend time in nature. I am blessed to live on a property that is garden-like. I need to appreciate it more. God’s beauty is reflected in what, and whom, he made.
  3. Establish and consistent, daily reflection ritual. For me, I plan that to be my Chronological Bible read followed up by my daily blog reading. Pray for me.
  4. Encourage mealtime mindfulness. Meals at our house are usually “out” or sitting in the TV room. Last night Rosemary and I ate the wonderful gumbo she made around the breakfast table. It promoted conversation and gratitude. I hope we can keep that up. 
  5. Encourage volunteering. My meager volunteering has produced the sweetest memories and deepest sense of well-being, and, of course, profound gratitude. Try it as I try to engage in it more. 

Thanks Nanette for the tips. 2019 will be different. It’s up to us to make it better.



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