Clean Slates

This is the time of year for review and resolution. I’m not much for resolutions but reviewing is not a bad idea. It seems wise to periodically stop, take a breath and evaluate where we are.
Life is pretty messy. Over the course of a year we can accumulate bad habits (a pattern of sin), resentments, hurts, unforgiveness. We can also rack up some seeming positives, achievements, victories, and advancements. 
It’s a good idea to look at our lives and see what’s on our slate. 
Sin – It seems so much easier to gain a bad habit than it is to initiate a good one. We do one “little” thing that we know isn’t quite right. The next time it’s easier to do. After a few times we become comfortable with our sin. We need to pray for insight,  look at our lives, and identify behavior that needs to be changed.
Hurts – We can’t live without accumulating hurts. Some cause great damage. Some less so, but still leave visible wounds. Others seem to cause no lasting marks at the time, but damage occurs “beneath the skin” and when least expected rises to the surface. It’s good to do some self-examination and inventory the hurts, big and small we have accumulated. It’s important because it causes us to identify the persons we hold responsible. We need to forgive before the wounds can heal.
Achievements – It’s good it identify what we feel we have accomplished. We tend to blame others for negatives and take full credit for the positives. If we look close at positives, we will realize they were achieved with the help of others especially help from above.
Don’t consider this a self-improvement program. It’s a grace-improvement program. Without grace, we won’t have the courage to look critically at our lives. Without grace, we can not see ourselves clearly. Without grace, we can’t change behavior, forgive or give God the glory for the good in our lives.
In the matter of a clean slate, we don’t hold the eraser that does the cleaning. Like everything else, that’s in the hand of a loving God. Pray, focus on your live and watch God wipe the slate.
Have a blessed New Year.

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