Concentration of Personal Sin

Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips . . . —Isaiah 6:5

It is not really hard to admit that I am a sinner. After all that is the case with all men. There is nothing personal in that general admission. It is a different thing to recognize and admit specific sin in a particular area of my life. After all, that is something for which I have responsibility. It is not general. It is personal. 
There is something about coming into the presence of God which focuses our attention on the specifics of our sinful condition. Not all the specifics; God is merciful and we could not handle or react to so much bad news at once. But He will point out a specific, something we can focus on, confess, turn away from and give that area of our life to Him.
This experience is universal for those blessed with an audience with God, time spent in His presence. None of us is without sin. All of us have something God would have us deal with, from the newest Christian to the one who has walked faithfully for years.

It is a great privilege to  be in the presence of God; with great privilege comes great responsibility. If we will respond to that responsibility, Our God will sanctify and bless us.

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