Declaration of Dependence – Devotional for Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I suppose the day after Independence Day is as good a day as any to suggest a Declaration of Dependence. In many ways, the Declaration we celebrate on the 4th is as much a Declaration of Dependence as of Independence. Surely we declare our Independence from England; by declaring our dependence on God.
It seems to me that Independence is not only over rated; but completely unattainable.  Just as we proclaim our “independence” we demonstrate our dependence on so many things. One  or two hundred years ago, independence was at least partially achievable. Many Americans lived on farms where they grew their own food, built their homes from available materials and protected their property with their own weapons. That’s not life today. We are dependent on policemen, firemen, postmen, grocers and so many others. 
The only real independence we can celebrate is deciding for ourselves upon whom we will be dependent. This is really the finding freedom in slavery scenario. Consider the issue of personal worth. Where do we find our worth? Is it in the opinion of others? Is it based on our “achievements” or our level of financial success? The problem here is that there is always someone who has achieved more and our achievements melt away. Material things waste and lose their value. 
Watch a couple of hours of television, particularly the commercials. You will conclude that we are in a culture that is slave to youth, fashion and sex. That may seem achievable when you’re young, fashionable and sexy. But these things have all passed me by. I conclude that my value is not in who I am but in whose I am. I am His. I am slave to Jesus. He is my master. He has the right to control my life. There is no greater freedom or joy than that. 
I will admit that I am not always a willing slave. I do, more than occasionally, try to wrestle control from Him. He lets me and, when I fail, He takes control back. 
We all recall the opening words of the Declaration of Independence, particularly that we have rights “endowed by our Creator. Let’s not forget the closing words: “And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”
Isn’t this as much a Declaration of Dependence as of Independence? 
Isn’t it time to end the search of Independence once and for all. Declare your dependence and find your freedom.

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