Deliver Us – The Problem of Evil

12 For B)’>the rulers, against the authorities, against D)’>this present darkness, against F)’>in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

Jesus taught us to pray to be delivered from evil. We need to pray that earnestly because most of us can’t even identify evil any more. Satan has three effective tricks that keep us confused. He has some people convinced that if he exists at all, he is a cartoon character with horns and a tail and no real power. He has others believing that He is as powerful, if not more powerful than God. These folks believe that Satan can ultimately win. Finally, and perhaps most prevalent today, he has some believing that he isn’t the real enemy; other men are.

The truth is that it’s a real fight. It’s a spiritual fight. Just as Jesus’ reign as king is not yet perfected. Satan’s ultimate defeat is not yet perfected. We need to take Satan seriously as we take God seriously. But notice, Jesus taught us to pray that God deliver us from evil. There is no question in that prayer that God has the power to deliver. The victory has been ultimately determined but the battle is no less real. 

Perhaps the biggest danger now is what some call the “myth of pure evil.” Some people believe that there is no pure evil. That’s not completely true. No man is pure evil. Scripture teaches all are capable of salvation. But we tend to slip into the lie of pure evil in the heat of battle. 

Listen to me. Democrats are not pure evil. Republicans are not pure evil. Muslims are no pure evil. For you Tiger fans, Nick Saban is not Satan.  Satan wins when he convinces us that other men are the enemy. He does that very subtly. He convinces us that we are completely right and others are completely wrong. 

So put another way: Democrats are not always wrong. Republicans are not always wrong. Muslims are not always wrong. The jury was out on Nick Saban until this years national championship game.

Satan wins when we are so convinced of our rightness that we stop listening. 

Boxers are warned to keep their blows “above the belt.” We need to remember our fight is in the spiritual realm and keep our punches there. With other men, we listen and we love, before we speak the truth. We need to see evil clearly before we can fight it effectively.

Be blessed.


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