Discipline of Dismay

You know what it’s like to make a big purchase, say a new car. No matter how much thought you put into it, after a while you begin to second guess your decision. I paid too much. I should have gotten a different model. All of a sudden everyone seems to be driving the same vehicle you just bought. Never noticed that before. You think about taking it back. We call it buyer’s remorse.

When we first decide to follow Jesus, how much thought do we put into it? We are elated at our salvation and excited about a new life. We like the “new car smell..” But after a while something akin to buyer’s remorse can slip in. I’m following but where exactly is He going? I don’t like not knowing the destination. Like a kid in the back seat I keep thinking “Are we there yet?” But with Jesus we never are. It seems He always expects more. We consider that maybe things weren’t so bad back in Egypt. We were slaves but we weren’t all that badly treated. 

As we follow folks notice we’re different. They don’t like it and we become uncomfortable. Maybe we’re being too radical. Perhaps we’re too heavenly minded. We have a practical life to live. No one else is going this far with Him. Satan really doesn’t like it and will drag a perception of misery into our lives at every opportunity.

We become dismayed. We can expect it. Life as a disciple is different, gloriously different. We want the “hold me Jesus moments.” Not so much do we crave the “get up and get going” times. It is frightening to realize just how different He is.

It is at these times of dismay that it is crucial to be in fellowship: real deep fellowship with others committed to following Him totally. In such fellowship we can realize that we are not alone in our uncertainty and in our dismay. In such fellowship there will always be some up when we are down. Some will be marching excitedly forward when others are lagging behind. In such fellowship there is consulation and encouragement.

” When the darkness of dismay comes, endure until it is over, because out of it will come that following of Jesus which is an unspeakable joy.”
Elated or dismayed, press on and
Be blessed.

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