Dog Days – Devotional for Monday, August 8, 2011

I don’t like August and I don’t like Sunday nights. So Sunday nights in August are a real downer for me. August is just too hot. “Dog Days” (Latin: diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the northern hemisphere, they usually fall between early July and early September, so basically… August. Dog Days can also define a time period or event that is very hot or stagnant, or marked by dull lack of progress. So basically, we are still talking about August.

We have trees in our yard that start dropping their leaves in August. It isn’t because of the first chill of fall. I think they just give up from the heat. Talk of football is in the air, but it isn’t football weather yet. I guess these feelings come from my youth when August signaled the end of vacation and the threat of school days ahead. Sunday nights are similar. I suppose the emotions they bring come from the days when I had to go off to the office on Monday morning coupled with the realization that a too short weekend was over. My office has been in my house for years and I pretty much control my schedule, but the feelings remain.

In the midst of the Dog Days, came Pastor Kerry’s sermon. Lots of enthusiasm and arm waving about finding out what we are suppose to be doing and getting up and doing it. Pastor it’s 100 degrees outside. All I want to do is take a nap. Sure there were a lot of Amens and stuff. But I wonder this morning how many are  really evaluating what they need to be doing and actually setting forth on a plan to do it.  He always gets a bunch of cheering amens. I don’t see a bunch of action thereafter.

When the first gumbo weather hits and energy levels start to rise, I know things will be different. The fall semester at church will include some exciting programs, even on Sunday nights. Folks will return from vacation. The excitement of new teachers and reunion with old classmates with the start of the school year will energize students. The first football games will mean that summer is really over. Things will start happening.

But will they be the right things? Will folks really seek God and find out what they are suppose to be doing and do those things. Or will the business of fall simply replace the exhaustion of August and eternally significant things still will take second place.

I did spend last night working on the One Nation Under God website and that has some eternal significance. I pooped out before I finished (the effects of August again).  So Pastor K your efforts were not entirely wasted. Maybe some others shook off the August angst and did something for the kingdom. We all need a cheerleader. Even when football hasn’t quite started. So Kerry keep it up; even if it seems it doesn’t make much difference. Maybe in the weeks ahead the amens will become actions.

We can only hope.


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