Pope Francis

I am not a Catholic, but I understand that it’s important who the Pope is.  From the little that I have read, it seems that the conclave picked a good man. By all accounts, he is a very simple man, with great humility, love for the poor, and experience in leading the church in a country known for it’s corruption. In short, Francis seems to be a “good man.”
At this point in history, it’s important that the Pope be a good man. More generally, it’s important that all prominent Christians be good men. The church  (the entire church not just the Catholic branch) has an image problem. Many in leadership have had public fallings and others have attempted to cover up instances of human failing. There is a perception that the church is out of touch and not relevant to our times, when, in fact, the church is more necessary to a decent world that at any other time in our history.
In times like these it is critically important that when the world sees the church, they see Jesus. It begins with having “good men” in positions of leadership. It goes much further than that. Many don’t judge the church by the Pope or by prominent TV preachers, they don’t know those people. They know you and I. And if we have any boldness at all they know that we call ourselves, Christians. If they don’t see Christ when they look at us, they have no reason to give our faith a try. 
That’s an awesome responsibility. We preach the gospel every time someone looks at us. When we are surly at a waitress or clerk, when we react in a nasty way to a traffic violation, when we yell at our kids at Walmart, when we let an inappropriate word slip out… in all these instances we define Christianity for someone. It’s an impression that will trump a good man as Pope or a prominent preacher who really follows Jesus.
My prayer for the new pontiff and my prayer is for us that we all will show the world a Jesus that matters through our lives.
Be blessed.

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