Spirit Led Church

There are many models for church leadership. Some  Pastor led, others by a board, still others are part of a denominational hierarchy through which power flows. None of these models is perfect. Each has problems.

Last night I think I discovered a better way. Amana Christian Fellowship held the “annual” board meeting at which the place and future direction of the church was discussed. In the past, this meeting took place over a couple of days and was an exhausting, if sometimes enjoyable, retreat. Each item of the budget was wrestled with and adjustments made. Last night it took a bit over two hours to do the same thing and it could been quicker if some who were used to a two-day event had been less talkative 🙂  All decisions, including some pretty major ones, were unanimous.

It was a spirit led meeting. All those present wanted what was best for the church and, more importantly, what God wanted for the church. Discussion was honest and respectful. No one left the meeting exhausted but elated and enthusiastic about the future. The pastor members of the board left feeling supported and the “lay” members left more confident than ever in the church staff. Isn’t that how the Spirit works?

It turns out the new and better way is the way God intended all along. Go figure.

Be blessed.


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