Take Up You Mat and Walk

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” John 5:8

Sunday our pastor spoke on Jesus’ cure of the paralytic man. It was inspiring. In fact, it inspired me to repeat some of his comments and add some of my own.

The man involved had nerve damage which prevented him from walking. Jesus miraculously repaired that damage, but he did more. The man probably had never walked. He didn’t know how to walk and he had no muscles for walking. Jesus provided all that and the man walked away.

He told him to take up his mat. His mat was known as a beggar’s mat. These were common sights seen throughout the holy land. A beggar would place his mat in public places and receive alms. Jesus was telling the man that his life as a beggar was over. He was now a man with the ability, muscles, and knowledge to walk. He was now responsible for walking.

When we come to Jesus he gives us the ability to walk with Him. This requires the forgiveness of our sinful state that makes us unable to walk. We also have to learn to walk and have the strength for the walk. The Lord is willing to offer these as well. It takes a willingness from us. Most difficult for us sometimes is to leave our beggar’s life behind. In many ways the beggar’s life is an easy one. No one expects anything from us. Others give our support. We are not expected to make a difference in our world. The last barrier to our walk is the fear that keeps us frozen and clutching our mats. There is a needy and fearful world out there. Jesus can take care of that too. It’s why He told us not to fear more often than any thing else.

As new creations in Christ we must take up our mats, walk with Christ and make a difference in our world.


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