The Joy of Manual Reading

We have new telephone service and a new security system. These changes left me with a stack of manuals to review. The installers taught us the basics, but upon reading the manuals I discovered there were some substantial features that had not been mentioned. In fact, one of the installers was not aware of some of the goodies I found in the manuals. I am not usually a manual reader. I believe that a real man doesn’t read manuals. At least not until he has made a mess trying to figure it all out on his own. 
Manuals can be a great money saver. More than once I purchased some new gadget only to discover that a tool I already had was fully capable of doing the job, if I had only read the manual. 
I’m sure you already know where this is going. We have a manual for life. God has given us His word; but we are reluctant to read it. We only turn to it when we have already so messed things up that miraculous intervention is required. How often have you discussed an issue with a friend and been told, “I just read a great book that talked about that. Our Christian book stores have no shortage of reading material. We are getting a  new bigger one in town so our resources will increase. These works are often helpful; but just as often they are simply paraphrasing what God has already told us in His word.
It’s smart to be familiar with a manual, before trouble starts. When you are stuck on the side of the road in a disabled vehicle, you learn that is not the best time to familiarize yourself with the owners manual.  But even after you are familiar with the manual, you have to refer to it frequently. My truck has a rear window. At least three times I have noticed it was open and had to dig out the manual to learn again how to close it.
So here’s the 911: We have a manual. Use it. Become familiar with it, not just your favorite parts, but all of it. You never know when you (or someone you love) will need something buried in an old testament book. Stay familiar with it. You (and I) are getting older. Our memory is not what it used to be. We need constant reminders.
Read the word, first and often and
Be blessed.

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