There is no place like home

The fact that our heart yearns for something earth can’t supply is proof that heaven must be our home. C. S. Lewis
We are approaching the end of the vacation season. Folks are piling back into their cars with beach sand embedded in the carpets having had a nice vacation but thinking, “There’s no place like home.” 
God puts something in us, a feeling that no matter how comfortable or “homey” we feel that we aren’t quite there. Some folks spend all their lives trying to fill that empty feeling. When we have been at home too much we can’t wait to get away. Some days we just have to “get out of the house.” We go for a drive or on vacation, but eventually the call to go home becomes too strong. We recognize even if it’s not perfect, home is the closest thing to it we can have in this world.
We are kind of like Dorothy who discovered that she had the power to go home any time she wanted. She just had to click her heels together. It’s not quite like that for us. We can’t just grab Toto, close our eyes and click our heels and find ourselves at home.
We can recognize that this is not our home. We can begin to realize that everything we do does have eternal significance. We can start laying up treasures where rot and moth have no impact. This won’t send us immediately home, but we can begin to recognize the deposit. We can start to get a glimpse of what it will be like when all emptiness is filled and all longings cease, when we are at last, home.
Start to live like you are home and be blessed.

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