Whose the Real Church?

Indictment 6: Ignorance of the nature of the church.

The church isn’t a building or a denomination. It’s all of those who have been regenerated into new creations by the power of God. There have been some of these creations in every church I have every been a part of. Sometimes they were a big part. Other times they were such a small minority,  you had to seek them out.

The most potent local church is one in which most of its members are real followers. Sadly, that’s rarely the case. Not only are the real followers often the minority; they are usually a silent minority. The loud voices belong to control freaks and look-at-me types. These guys are often up front, running programs, making decisions, and making loud noises when their gold coins hit the collection plate.

The real followers  are working with kids, down on their knees in prayer and being quiet blessings to everyone they meet.

We need to learn how to identify, multiply and edify the real church. We need to call out and separate from the church fraud types. Let them run social clubs.

The Lord’s church is a beautiful bride. If we can clear out the junk we can see it. More importantly the world will see it and suddenly Christian will not longer be a bad word. It will describe those who love like Jesus. Like it should have all along.


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