Why Am I Still Alive?

A few months ago I started taking the local papers: The Advertiser and The Advocate. I skim both papers every day. I do the Sudoku puzzles in both. It’s my desperate attempt to keep mentally alert at 71. The other thing I do because of my age is check out the obituaries.

I have decided I need to take an obit picture or at least designate one already taken. I see that people make mistakes when posting obit pictures. I always get a little pang when I see the picture of a young person heading up an obituary. I feel misled when I read the obit and find the deceased was in their 90s. There is something dishonest about posting a pic of the deceased that’s decades old. On the other hand, I understand not posting a recent picture. When we get old, we are often not recognizable to old friends and family. That’s why I think I need to find or take a picture that most people I know will recognize when I pass when I am likely to look nothing like I do now.

The other thing I notice is that there are a lot of folks who die long before age 71. Many of these people have lived healthier and safer lives than I have. What’s that about?

I have to conclude there must be something or many things that I am still supposed to do. I’m happy spending time with my beautiful bride and family. I enjoy binge-watching shows on Amazon and Netflix. I like going out to eat and even still being able to work at the profession I have been engaged in since the early eighties.

Somehow I know none of those things are it. I appreciate the Lord keeping me around to enjoy these things, but I strongly suspect there is more to it. Am I supposed to be more regular in my blogging? Should I be searching out opportunity to preach or teach as I have been able to do over the years? I know I want to get back to prison ministry. I miss the guys on death row that we have been prevented from visiting since March.

Early in life we think about what we will do for God, one day. At this stage, we ask what have I missed? What am I missing?

Lord show me what you would still have me do. I am not that eager to complete your checklist for my life, but I sure want to make sure I hit the major points. 

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