After the amazing delight and liberty of realizing what Jesus Christ does, comes the impenetrable darkness of realizing Who He is.

How often do we get past the joy of salvation (What He did for us.) and into the complexity of relationship (Who He is.)? As a species we are generally not good at relationships. When someone asks us about another, “Who is that?” We generally respond by announcing what the person does. For example, “He’s my teacher.” “He’s my neighbor.” “He’s my friend.” These are roles. They are defined by what the person does. A teacher…teaches. A neighbor…lives nearby. Even a friend is someone who hangs around us. It is rare that we really get to KNOW someone…rare and a bit scary. As Chambers describes  God, quoting Psalm 97:2, “Clouds and thick darkness are around Him.”
We like to relate to people, and to God, by what they do; because that’s simple. What people are is more complex, and what God is, is complex indeed. For me, this is one of the great lessons of Kairos. I always think I know about an inmate after meeting him on Thursday night of a retreat, but by Sunday night I realize he is so much more. What happens between Thursday and Sunday, on my part, is just listening. God does much in that period. More than I will ever know or understand, but for me, I just listen.
That’s the key for moving from knowing a person by what he does to knowing what he is: Listen to Him. So it is with God. Don’t be satisfied with knowledge about what God has done. Take the big step of listening to what He has to say to you. Learn who He is. In fact, practice by listening to those around you.

Can we even image the blessing of knowing… others and, how much more blessing in knowing God?

Be blessed.


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